Look to Jesus at all times

God knows everyone’s heart and He knows all our needs. Acts 03:01-10 talks about the healing of a lame beggar, who was lame from birth and was being carried to the temple gate for begging. He was continuing His routine job to live by begging for money, but Peter could recognize the need of this person and directed Him to the miraculous healing by God. Even today, God knows each ones heart and He is always knocking at the door to come into our heart to heal all our lameness, to experience the real joy of being in Christ.

Our God is a Father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who are humble at heart. Being humble at heart is one of the primary things God is looking for in all people. God opposes the proud and give grace to the humble.2 Cor 12:09  God says, “My Grace is sufficient for you and My strength is made perfect in weakness”.

God guides us in different ways to mold us to be fully dependent on Him. You may think “Nobody knows what I’m going through; nobody feels the pain that I’m experiencing”. But God knows! He knows all your frustrations and feelings, the causes, the things that brought you to this point and He understands because He made you and he sees the hurt in your heart that nobody else can. Look unto Jesus for complete deliverance for He cares about what happens to you. Hebrew 07:25 says, He is able to save completely, those who come to God through Him, because He always intercedes for them. So draw near to God, the author and the finisher of faith.

God has given us the free will to choose. When trials and temptations come, He is watching over us to see if we are choose to be dependent on Him. We have a high priest who truly meets all our needs – one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet He did not sin.

So, let us approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 04:16)

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